
I'm sure that you hate what I'm saying in the nicest possible way ;-)

I think that you more-or-less got what I was saying, although a bit less
ugly that. This sort of code is really horrible in every way:

   OB SET($options;”o4”;p4;”o5”;”";”o6”;”";”o7”;”")   or
   MyMedioreMethod(->[Table];5;Current date;"";"";0;5)

So, agreed, that's just nasty.

Mostly thinking things through...I may land right back where I've been for
years with optional parameters, but sometimes it is helpful to revisit old
habits. For object creation in general, I'm definitely all in on
initializing objects with a standard structure all in one go.
(Acknowledging that there are likely to be cases where the structure isn't
standard and it would be counter-productive to insist on a standard format.)

I don't default to using options objects, that's for sure. I'm a pretty big
believer in clearly named and specific parameters as they make your
intentions clear at a glance:


Can be replaced by

// Insert everything here


#2 is a whole lot more informative in the code itself. For #1, you need to
look at the rest of the method or, more often, see the object at runtime.
(Often times information is flowing through a call chain and you might not
see the object assignments right next to the object being passed down the

I do like option objects for otherwise nasty code like this:

   MyMedioreMethod(->[Table];5;Current date;"";"";0;5)

There are four optional parameters and only the last one is used - it's set
to 5. In this case, an options object is nice for a couple of reasons:

-- You only have to assign the value that you're interested in.
-- Under some conditions, the called routine can distinguish between
options that have been supplied and options that have not. With a fixed
parameter list, that's harder.

Does that all make you hate me less? ;-)

I'll tell you one thing I hate, those absurd and massive "parameter"
objects that are all-too common in JavaScript. I mean, they can get just
insanely large. Completely out of control...and odd in a language with a
very nice (as far as I can tell) closure implementation. Closures are
probably the thing that I like the most in JS (at this point...not far
enough along to say I won't find something I like even more.)
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