On Sep 26, 2017, at 9:08 AM, David Adams wrote:

>> As stupid as it sounds, another option is to push the log entries to
>> something else locally - even a stand-alone built 4D app - and let it write
>> the disk files.
>> Then you could use a service with a custom agent, like SumoLogic or
>> Splunk. Actually, that's not a terrible idea at all...who cares if that
>> data file gets bloaty?
>> Clear it out, throw it out, start a new one.
> Now I'm loving this idea. Do a special build to generate a stand-alone log
> writer app and message it with HTTP. This tool is functioning as a logging
> "agent." There are a lot of advantages to this approach in some
> environments:

Consider the situation where you have a mission critical system that is up 24/7 
and you need logging to always work every second of the day. 

How do you handle the situation where the stand-alone log writer app crashes, 
is not running due to a machine restart, or for whatever reason goes deaf and 
stops responding to the HTTP calls?  You certainly don’t want any possibility 
of losing some logging information.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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