I can confirm that this is caused by the delay process.  In fact, all of my 
server processes that use delay process stopped on the same day.  They had 
different levels of delay times set.

As per your suggestion, I went into Runtime Explorer on the Server and typed 
resume process (pid) and they worked again.  I will check tomorrow to see if 
the processes run more than one day after manually using resume.

I am running 16.0 Build 16.209177.  Server is running on Mac.

I will create a test database and see if I can re-create and will open a 
support case for this issue.


David Conley
By The Book, Inc.
Office: 815-234-7530
Direct Line: 815-406-5502
Fax: 815-234-7532

> On Oct 18, 2017, at 7:33 PM, Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Hi Cannon,
> If I am reading this correctly, you have a process that was delayed using 
> DELAY PROCESS and it should have already woken up after 1 second but it was 
> still delayed several hours later - is that right?
> Not sure if this will help you at all, but if you can locate the process 
> number for the process (let's assume it is process #10) and then issue RESUME 
> PROCESS(10) does it actually wake up or does it stay delayed?
> You can obtain the process number from the Admin Window or the Runtime 
> Explorer.
> You can issue commands from the Runtime Explorer by adding a new expression 
> and typing the command into the expression. For example, typing RESUME 
> PROCESS(10) into the Runtime Explorer will resume the process with id 10.
> To be clear - I don’t think this will help find the root cause of the 
> problem, but I do think it could help in understanding what state the process 
> is actually in.
> If this issue is simply DELAY PROCESS not waking up, I wonder if someone 
> could build a quick and simple database that demonstrates and tests that? 
> Maybe having a process that delays itself and updates a variable with the 
> current time, and another process checking the variable to confirm a certain 
> amount of time has elapsed. Then if the elapse time between updates falls 
> outside of the expected range then the bug has been hit? Has anyone tried 
> that to confirm this?

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