On Oct 25, 2017, at 11:38 AM, Keith White wrote:

> Wondered if you saw my guess/conjecture previously posted on this subject 
> (not that it's much help !)...:-
> OK, so we think this is due to DELAY PROCESS.
> The change to DELAY PROCESS somewhere in 4D v15 was to change from a Longint 
> to Real.  But the problems didn't start until v16, I think that's right.
> Anyway, I'm wondering if the problem is when either Tickcount, Milliseconds 
> or another internal 4D time measure overflows into negative territory.  I 
> have no idea internally what measure 4D uses for DELAY PROCESS, nor what data 
> type they use internally for it, but what if they aren't taking account of 
> the overflow when the measure value goes from a large positive number to a 
> large negative.
> That could explain the large time period before the problem reoccurs??
> Just throwing an idea out there.  We've only just jumped from v13 to v16R4, 
> which means we don't have v16 out in production land yet, so we haven't yet 
> seen this problem occur.

I think you are on to something Keith. I had the exact same thoughts about this 
problem. A change from tick count to millisecond and the change from C_LONGINT 
values in DELAY PROCESS to C_REAL. Probably also related to internal scheduling 
system changes connected to support preemptive processes now. They had to do 
some major low level programming changes to make all of this work.

This is how a programming forum is supposed to work. People contributing ideas 
and sharing experiences. I think we are getting close to nailing down where 4D 
engineers need to look to solve this problem. 

Somebody needs to forward this email chain to 4D engineering. Hopefully Tim 
Penner can do this and get 4D engineering motivated to stop waiting for a demo 
database that reproduces this problem and have somebody go do a code review 
looking for something that doesn’t look quite right. 


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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