Did you also see the 4D Server UI stop updating? I'm referring to the server 
monitor user interface that graphs the CPU time, etc.

When this has happened to our mirror servers, those graphs stop updating. The 
server can still be manipulated, but those graphs don't update and the stored 
procedure has stopped.

Jeffrey Kain

> On Oct 25, 2017, at 10:34 AM, Keith White via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> OK, so we think this is due to DELAY PROCESS.
> The change to DELAY PROCESS somewhere in 4D v15 was to change from a Longint 
> to Real.  But the problems didn't start until v16, I think that's right.
> Anyway, I'm wondering if the problem is when either Tickcount, Milliseconds 
> or another internal 4D time measure overflows into negative territory.  I 
> have no idea internally what measure 4D uses for DELAY PROCESS, nor what data 
> type they use internally for it, but what if they aren't taking account of 
> the overflow when the measure value goes from a large positive number to a 
> large negative.

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