I guess the request log file should provide a definitive answer to that 
in retrospect, a local semaphore with the "execute on server" method property 
may seem appropriate.
but then, the twin process used by that method would be C, as opposed to 
Semaphore which is P.

the "while" example in the docs seems rather simplistic if not dated.

after all,

> in preemptive mode, IDLE is useless.
> the operating system manages the switch between processes.

(direct quote from the HDI example)

in a C thread, IDLE is different to DELAY PROCESS(Current process;0),

DELAY explicitly yields to the scheduler,
but IDLE does not unless a tick (60th of a second has passed).



> 2017/10/26 15:55、Arnaud de Montard via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> のメール:
> With a global semaphore, the doc does not say if during delay:
> • a/ forth and go between client and server, something like
>  C=did I get it?...S=no
>  C=did I get it?...S=no
>  C=did I get it?...S=yes
>  and, if so, what is the frequency of the question

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