The thinking behind this recommendation, as I understand it, goes like this:

macOS has its own cache system.
backup creates a large file.
the system cache the large file to improve access speed the next time (which 
typically never happens, by the way).
free system memory runs out.
4D Server asks for some memory.
the system does all sorts of things (compression, paging, whatever) to "create" 
free memory. this takes time.
4D Server is waiting.
4D Client disconnects.

"purge" (which is not installed by default and requires sudo) is a developer 
tool that forced the system to let go of cached files.

so to answer your question, the backup database method does run on the server, 
not client,
but that does not mean that it has no effect on the performance of connected 

> 2017/11/12 5:56、Jim Crate via 4D_Tech <> のメール:
> Do the backup database methods run on connected clients (4D Remote) as well 
> as on the server?
> Brad said the client is disconnecting or hanging when the server runs backup. 
> Even if the server could run purge after finishing the backup, how would that 
> help the remote client which had its connection interrupted?
> Jim Crate

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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