Hi All,

When searching on a date field we are having issues with the standard Query 
Editor in 4D v15.3, Client-Server.  The serve and clients rare all running on 
the Windows OS.  Anyone else see the following behavior and have a fix?

1). We pick a date field, then choose the “is" operator, and then enter a value 
such as 1/9/2018. This works. However, when we change the operator to “Starts 
From” a numeric filter is apparently applied to the Value and the slashes are 
removed.  (1/9/2018 becomes 192018)  With this change the query always fails.  
This happens with other operators as well.  Thoughts on a fix?

2). After using the Query Editor several times in a row, suddenly and randomly, 
it will stop working.  It allows fields and operators to be chosen from the 
dropdowns and values to be entered but clicking on the Query button does 
nothing.  The Cancel button works to close the Editor, but often we have to 
close and reopen the process (or restart the 4D client) for the Query Editor to 
start working again…. Thoughts?

As always, thanks for your help!


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