On Jan 22, 2018, at 11:30 AM, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 

> The link Miyako included to the section on Managing Entry does actually
> talk about this. (I confess I hadn't read it very carefully before now
> myself.)
> You use OBJECT SET ENTERABLE to manage the enterability of the 'object'
> which is the listbox column.
> To control the enterability of an individual cell you use the On Before
> Data Entry form event.

In my case, the column is marked Enterable in the property list, and editing 
items works. What doesn’t work is calling EDIT ITEM to place the user in 
editing mode. In my case I want to add an item to the end of the list, scroll 
to it, and start editing (cursor is active, user just has to type). 

I suspect it is related to calling EDIT ITEM in the same “run loop” when the 
row is added, but the scroll works, and 4D makes it too obnoxious to run code 
“later” to bother trying. I did try wrapping EDIT ITEM in a method so I could 
use CALL FORM, but it didn’t change anything; maybe CALL FORM does not actually 
queue the message to run “later” in the case where it is being called from the 
form to run something on. SET TIMER is too annoying to use in all but the most 
necessary cases, and an extra click from the user wasn’t necessary enough.

Jim Crate

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