Hello all -
I have converted a database from v2004 to v12, and Unicode is ON.

Conversion4Dv11SQL_R9.pdf, page 69, says:
In Unicode Mode, if you want to check if a string does not contain any 
characters, including ignorable ones, you need to use the following test:
        If (Length(vText)=0)
Instead of
        If (vText="").

I don't see that advice repeated anywhere else in v11 or v12 docs, but I may 
have missed it.

To find empty strings, both v11 and v12 Language docs recommend:

In previous versions, I would assume that "an empty string" was the same thing 
as "a string that does not contain any characters", but in this context I'm not 

In versions 12+, in unicode mode, if the field contains only routine Western 
is it okay to continue to use  

and only if the field may contain nonWestern characters, use
        QUERY SELECTION BY FORMULA([Table];Length([Table]Field)=0)

Thank you -
Janie Marlow
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