Hi Pat,

I have one that uses FTP extensively and it's pretty solid once you get it 
configured correctly.  The one thing that I don't see in your code below is an 
FTP_Login, which is required to establish the connection as it gives you the 
value in the "vFTP-ID" variable that you pass to the FTP_Receive.  Do you do 
that elsewhere in code not posted? 

Ed Glassgow

On 4/20/18, 6:39 AM, "4D_Tech on behalf of Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech" 
<4d_tech-boun...@lists.4d.com on behalf of 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

    Using v16.3 32-bit and 64-bit
    I'm trying to download some files via FTP.
    I get a list of the files in the specified directory:
    $error:=*FTP_GetDirList *(vFTP_ID;$hostpath;$atDldFileNames;$aiDldFileSizes;
    (all arrays have been previously declared).
    No problem :)
    Then loop through the array of file names and hopefully download each one:
    *For *($i;1;*Size of array*($atDldFileNames))
    *If *($$aiDldFileKinds{$i}=1)
      // skip this dude
    *Else *
    $localFilePath:=$localPath+$atDldFileNames{$i} // eg: "Macintosh
    $filepath:=$hostpath+"/"+$atDldFileNames{$i} // eg:
    $err:=*FTP_Receive *(vFTP_ID;$filepath;$localFilePath;0)
    // $err is always -1 or 10060 (file not found)
    *End for  *
    I've tried various different versions of the file pathnames but can't find
    one that works.
    For example:
    .. and various other things.
    A/ny suggestions as to where I'm going wrong?
    CatBase - Top Dog in Data Publishing
    tel: +44 (0) 207 118 7889
    w: http://www.catbase.com
    skype: pat.bensky
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