
We loved ObjectTools at Jonoke for well over a decade. We could not have done 
what we did without it. It was fantastic. Thanks for ObjectTools over all those 
years. We never had a memory leak from it while we used it. It is great having 
plug-in developers creating tools for us, while 4D concentrates its development 
efforts on other things. As developers we win.

Yes, we now use 4D Objects. Adam wrote our own dot notation tool. Yes, we will 
likely discard that to the use of 4D’s in the next year, but again it is 
getting the job done, while 4D was getting other things done in 4D.


> On Jun 9, 2018, at 12:56 PM, Aparajita Fishman via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> Are you using ObjectTools? We have a similar setup and we were leaking 
>> mysteriously.  I did a bunch of research and I landed on that ObjectTools 
>> was the issue.
>> I switched everything away to C_OBJECTS (no other changes) and the memory 
>> issues went away.
> For the record, ObjectTools itself might be not leaking, rather there might 
> have been places in your code where you didn’t clear an object when finished 
> with it.
> Having said that, using C_OBJECT is of course preferable because you never 
> have to worry about memory leaks. I wrote ObjectTools in 1991. It only took 
> 4D 25 years to implement the equivalent.  :-)
> - Aparajita

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