Hi Miyako,

Thanks for your anwer.

Ok, I understand what you are saying, and in some cases I already use the SET 

But when I want to print a report without interaction with the user, and I want 
to print it to a certain paper size, I can do two things I guess:

  1.  Use SET PRINT OPTION with Paper option and value1=”A3”. Does using paper 
name = “A3” always work? Or do I have to get the paper names first and find 
some paper name with A3 in it?
  2.  Use SET PRINT OPTION with a custom width and height. Does this always 
work, for every printer?


Van: Piotr Chabot Stadhouders
Verzonden: woensdag 26 september 2018 13:46
Aan: Piotr Chabot Stadhouders <p.stadhoud...@timeff.com>
Onderwerp: RE: Printing A3 format on windows when scaling is not possible

there should be no reason to use PAGE SETUP, although there is nothing wrong 
about using it.

it's just a convenient shorthand that dates back to the times when 4D had far 
fewer commands.



Van: Piotr Chabot Stadhouders
Verzonden: woensdag 26 september 2018 11:51
Aan: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com<mailto:4d_tech@lists.4d.com>>
Onderwerp: Printing A3 format on windows when scaling is not possible

Hi all,

I am working for over 20 years with 4D now, but still I am having troubles with 
printing reports on Windows / OSX
On forehand I want to say it sure can be me that is the problem😊
The most problematic is when I want to print a lot on a report and scaling 
comes in to play

Because scaling on a lot of printers is not possible, and I don’t know on 
forehand to what printer is printed, I cannot use scaling in my reports
Because almost all of our customers print to PDF, the best solution I found is :

  *   To create a form just to use for page setup.
  *   This form has an A3 page setup, which is kind of similar of scaling 70%
  *   Print to PDF
  *   Let Acrobat Reader do the scaling, and let the user print scaled to A4 on 
their printer

However, now and then, after a couple of months/years, also this A3 page setup 
gets “corrupted” i.e. when checking the page setup on the form it isn’t A3 
anymore but is has been reset to A4

So…. Does anybody know of an ultimate solution for this problem, and works 
multi platform?


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