Ooops, This was meant to be a private message to Escape support, but I guess it 
could be a general question about why a picture created on an iPhone (HAIF) 
converted to jpeg by the OS in an Airdrop transfer may not be the same as a 
jpeg saved directly to the computer from a digital camera? At least an HAIF to 
jpeg conversion is what I think is happening.


> On Oct 24, 2018, at 10:05 PM, JOHN BAUGHMAN <> wrote:
> Hi Danis,
>       I am running in to a strange problem with QPix (3.7b2 and 4D v16R6 
> Client/Server on Mac OS 10.13.6). The following is returning error -50, 
> Parameter Error…
>               $eror:=QPx_SetAreaPicture 
> (eQPixEdit;aPicturesToEditPtr{aPictureThumbs}->)
>       This installation has been running for several years and continues to 
> run without any problems using a Sony digital camera. My client decided they 
> wanted to start taking the pictures with an iPhone but are getting this 
> error. It only happens with pictures taken by the iPhone. They are taking the 
> following steps to get the pictures into 4D…
>       1. Take the photos on the iPhone. (I believe they are in HEIF format at 
> this point). Up to 16 photos are taken.
>       2. Airdrop the selected photos to their computer.
>       3. Accept the photos into the download folder (They are now jpegs and 
> all look good).
>       4. Move the selected photos into a new folder created for that patient. 
> (Still look good)
>       5. import photos from folder into 4D. They all look good in 4D.   Using…
>               $Error:=QPx_ReadImageFileInPicture 
> ($FullPathToDocuemnt;$loadedPicture) 
>               Also tried…
>                READ PICTURE FILE
>       Any attempt to load any of these pictures into a QPix Area gets this 
> error, leaving the area empty.
>       What might be going on here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If 
> you want I can send you a set of problematic photos. The zipped file is 14 mb.
>       Also, have not heard anything more on Q2Pix. Is it close to coming out 
> of beta. I am sorry that I was not able to help you test the beta.
> Thanks,
> John

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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