Hi Kirk,

Yes sorry, on this particular application it is still v13.6. Windows 7.

I've solved the problem of IE when I upgraded it to version 11. So now video
plays on IE and Chrome browsers on Windows 7. However I still cannot get it
to work on the Webarea on windows (it works fine on OSX).

I have enabled javascript via WA prefs. Still no go. I've turned on and off
the "use Webkit" option and same problem.

So right now I get it to work on Mac, Windows 7 IE v11 and Chrome but not

I cannot set drag and drop on the area (4D v15 has option in prefs but I
can't find a way to do it in v13.6).

I tried another player ( Video.js) with same results. I have not tried
Youtube's player on windows but it's not an elegant option for thsi purpose.

I agree with you that using a browser to display the video is a solution and
I do have it as a last resort.

I would ask anyone that has successfully displayed/streamed a video (ideally
mp4) on 4D Windows v13.6 to let me know.

So right now logic dictates that either one cannot stream a video on v13.6
Webarea or I am doing something silly. For now I am assuming that it's my
ignorance and not the Webarea.

Jim Labos - infobase

Jim Labos - infobase
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