On Nov 7, 2018, at 2:00 PM, 4d_tech-requ...@lists.4d.com wrote:

> While upgrading a v11 structure to v17R3 (Windows), I’ve noticed that the 
> form (“PCDisplay”) loaded via Modify Selection cannot be dismissed when the 
> application is compiled. Can you spot the problem?
> //========================
> DIALOG([DocketFile];"PullCaseSearch")
> If (OK=1)
>       QUERY([DocketFile];[DocketFile]DocketSite=vSite;*)
>       QUERY([DocketFile];[DocketFile]DocketDate=vDate)
>       If (Records in selection([DocketFile])>0)
>               RELATE ONE SELECTION([DocketFile];[IntakeFile])
> table([IntakeFile]))
>               NEXT RECORD([DocketFile])
>               ORDER BY([IntakeFile];[IntakeFile]CaseNo;>)
>               FORM SET OUTPUT([IntakeFile];"PCDisplay")
>               FORM SET INPUT([IntakeFile];"TestIntake")
>               MODIFY SELECTION([IntakeFile];*)
>       Else 
>               ALERT("No cases found for that docket.")
>       End if 
> End if 
> UNLOAD RECORD([IntakeFile])
> //========================

Hi Robert,

Is there an “Open window” company anywhere to be found, or is this all running 
in the default 4D splash screen window? That could be the issue. Need to stop 
using that window and process and start creating new processes and doing 
explicit “Open window” commands in the new processes. That’s the new 4D way. 
The single-window-never-open-a-window way is super legacy and is being left 
behind rapidly by 4D engineering. My opinion.

When you say “dismissed”, you mean the MODIFY SELECTION part disappears and you 
return back to whatever was there before? In the past you had to issue a 
“CANCEL” command from a button or somewhere to make MODIFY SELECTION go away.

Last possibility is to not use v17 R3. Drop back to v17.0 and see if it works 
like it did in v11. Could be v17 R series changes has killed this. Might have 
to go even farther back to v16 or v15 to keep this old legacy code functioning.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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