On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 09:25:39 -0400, Eric Naujock via 4D_Tech wrote:
> as I look closer at it with questions from a state government 
> security person I can see a number of glaring holes that should be 
> filled. These are the biggest ones I see.
> 1. Passwords are only alphanumeric.
?? what else do you want?
letters, numbers, and any (as far as I have found) other key and/or 
combinations, including [odd to US entry] characters which include 
umlauts(sp?), and other multi-keystroke characters.

There maybe a maximum length but I have not entered sufficient 
characters to find it.
> 2. No two factor options.
true - as someone else pointed out adding it possible.

> 3. Usernames and password are stored in the Structure file. (Very bad 
> if your revving structure files during continuous developemnt.
it requires only a small bit of code to save (and encrypt) the user 
group info to a disk file or into the data file, or both.

> 4. No account lockouts for fail authentication attempts. An attacker 
> can just continuously try usernames and passwords indefinitely. 
the only workaround is to have to write your own login dialog.
I do not know if this is viable for iOS or web based access.

> 5. The AD options require that you serve from a windows server bound 
> to and AD system. You cannot use this if you have Mac clients or a 
> Apple server.
As far as I am aware, this is not true.
Mac can be (and we have some which are) part of the enterprise AD.

> 6. No ability to define password difficulty or force password changes 
> periodically. (I know that need to change passwords regularly has 
> been debunked but most govt. best practice documents still believe 
> that’s the way to go.)
again - tying into an augmented user system allows this, and is not 
difficult to manage.

In summary, while I do not do all of the above, I do 'augment' the 4D 
user system.
It seems to me that most anyone using a4D system with a user login 
needs to augment it for their own needs;
where is the user located, their phone number, email address etc.... 
adding most of the above additional security options is not hard.

I will admit that the no attempt limit could be problematic, and I have 
not tried to resolve that issue, but otherwise I believe that all of 
the above mentioned issue can be simple resolved.

Could 4D implement some (or all) of these things - sure.


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