setup 4D to do its own backup - to a separate directory (at least), or drive.
Then ask that the OS level back up exempt the 4D folder from backup.

ask that the backup 
> Hi
> I’m sure this is an age old issue but I thought I’d solicit some 
> opinions on addressing it in case anyone cares to post their 
> experiences.
> The OS level backup is saving the operating system (which nobody 
> cares about) and trashing 4D (which everybody cares about).
> The site runs a mission critical 4D Server under 4D 2004 (it should 
> be getting retired/replaced with a new 4D system in a month or two) 
> which is under 3rd party contractural support that includes twice 
> daily backups at OS level. Every week the server crashes when nobody 
> is using it and I’m cure it’s because of the Windows backup process 
> conflicting with 4D which has the datafile open. I think it’s one of 
> these that freezes everything while it backs up and then “unfreezes
> ” it.
> It would be good to have 4D write its own backup to an external drive 
> and than have the OS backup run on that one instead. But the 
> contractor then feels exposed contracturally for not backing up the 
> main OS so it’s like talking to a brick wall.
> How do others address this ?
> Regards
> Peter
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Hell is other people 
     Jean-Paul Sartre
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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