I haven't used 4D Write in - a long, long time. Like before my hair was
gray long. So, I'm hoping someone will enlighten me as I start looking at
it again.

1) I get that I can insert fields into a 4D doc. What about object fields?
Can I embed references to properties of an object field?

2) Can I embed variables? I'm hoping for something like the functionality
of Process by tags.

3) if I can't do either of those how do I go about managing my own template
management? Back when I designated custom tags and would do a find &
replace. How do you do that now?

4) Let's say instead of the approach above, where I'm trying mimic a MS
Word/mail merge kind of thing, I want to build a document from database
data. Maybe I have a selection of 'stuff' (records, collection elements,
etc.) I want to loop through and write as text blocks. Think of a lease or
contract for example. I want the user to be able to setup a template to
look the way they like and then my code loops through the data, assembles
the words and writes them to a new document.

How do you do that?

I'm looking forward to becoming a fan. Thanks for your help.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

What can be said, can be said clearly,
and what you can’t say, you should shut up about

*Wittgenstein and the Computer *
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