The mails you send do NOT automatically appear there.

An SMTP Server has no concept whatsoever of a „sent-mail“ storage.

When sending from Outlook (assuming an Exchange Server), Outlook issues a „send 
and store“ command to Exchange, so Exchange takes care of storing a copy of the 
mail in the appropriate folder for the Users message store.
Sadly, using the 4D Internet Commands for sending mails, this command is not 
issued, and Exchange does not support it when using SMTP, as it is not part of 
the SMTP protocol.
As for other Servers its worse, as the SMTP Server (for example Postfix) has no 
idea how to store mails and does not even know there is such a thing as a 
message store for retrieving.
Storing the users mails for retrieval in for example Outlook, is done by an 
IMAP server (for example COURIER), who again has no idea how to send mails…
This you must issue a separate command to store the message in the users folder 
(IMAP append).
Again, 4D does not know this command, so you need to roll your own here. 
I have code for IMAP_append somewhere.
What I never did is storing mails into the local outlook storage of the client 
machine, and I strongly advise against even trying this.
Using the OLD 4DIC SMTP commands you cannot get a copy of the message source, 
so that makes it even more difficult…
Have a look at my SMTP component ( 
The command to look for is: CUrlSmtp_Source

If you use Exchange, have a look at my Exchange component, although its much 
more work to implement it, but it has a lot of other features as well.

documentation is here : 

if you are interested, please contact me privately.

Hope this helps,

> Am 11.02.2020 um 14:36 schrieb Bob Miller via 4D_Tech <>:
> RE> "Emails sent by the SMTP Internet commands are just the same as emails 
> created by any other mail program.  They will show up in the Sent folder for 
> the account that sent them.  I do this all the time for my clients and they 
> know that the 4D emails will show up next to the emails they sent manually."
> I'm using Outlook and emails that are created by 4D (using my email address) 
> do not show up in my 'Sent' folder. Of course, emails created in Outlook 
> appear there.  Is there a way to have emails sent from 4D come into an 
> Outlook 'sent' folder?
> Bob Miller
> Parker Hannifin Corp.
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