The database is 4D v15.4, iMac 10.14.6, using a Pegasus 9Tb RAID (sweet drive).

I have 151,814 images, in either JPEG or BMP format, and the format is known 
for each image.

So, I cycle through the images and figure out what the export be, do a create 
document for that name, close that file and then do Picture to Blob as follows:

If (([ScannedDocuments]FileType="JPEG") | ([ScannedDocuments]FileType="JPG"))
PICTURE TO BLOB([ScannedDocuments]FullImage;$MyBlob;".jpg")
PICTURE TO BLOB([ScannedDocuments]FullImage;$MyBlob;".bmp")
End if 
BLOB TO DOCUMENT(document;$MyBlob)

And I write the document name to a test file with some other info using append 

Periodically, 4D just vanishes. In which case, the text file may or may not 
contain the entry it died on. This generally happens when the BLOB TO DOCUMENT 
results in the finder showing a file of zero bytes. In fact, I may get several 
such files in a block before 4D disappears. No error messages, no system “Hey, 
it crashed’ logs, just poof.

So, I went through and added a field called RecNo, and populated it with the 
record number. And, I can restart the export at the point where I have a zero 
byte file exported, and it works properly.

Most of the scans are normal full page scans of letters or forms, and are 1.9Mb 
in size.  Then there are retinal scans at 40.3Mb. 

I’m using a local variable for the blob, and I set its size to zero before the 
picture is loaded into it, and after it is done being sent to disk.

I went to using Append Document(DocFileName) because when 4D disappears, I need 
to know where it stops so I can restart it.

To me, it needs a delay somewhere to prevent the system from stepping on 
itself, but where? I can post the full code for the one table export, if 
desired. I could really use some ideas.

The actual export has been put on hold due to COVID-19. The company needing the 
data had a drop-dead date by which they needed the data, and I said, no 
problem, I’ll pul a backup of the system, bring it to my office, do the export 
and drive it up to their office. Since they need it on an ExFat formatted 
drive, the test version ended up at 2.5Tb, and my estimate of the final was 
3.5Tb to 4Tb. They said, no, their strict isolation rules have them saying it 
needs to be sent electronically. Doing some tests, I calculated 37 days to SFTP 
them the data. So, that isn’t going to happen.

Bob McKeever             <>
McKeever's Software Wizardry
Port Coquitlam, B.C.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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