On Apr 15, 2020, at 4:35 PM, John J Foster via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> I do believe that creating it locally and moving to the network drive can be 
> more efficient. I’m not sure how much speed different there would be.
>> using TEXT TO BLOB with the offset parameter
> I’m investigating this command and seeing if I can understand how to use it.

If your machine is on an SSD, there will probably be little difference between 
writing each row with SEND PACKET or buffering using a BLOB. If you want to 
buffer using a blob, the general strategy is like this:

// Calculate rough target size of blob plus a little extra. If 2.3M rows was 
830MB, you are at roughly 2700 rows per MB, so maybe calculate 1MB per 2500 rows
$blobSize:=(number of records / 2500)*(1024*1024)
SET BLOB SIZE($buffer;$blobSize)
For ($i;1;number of records)
  // build line into $line
  // make sure we have enough space in the blob
  If (Blob size($buffer)<($offset+Length($line))
    $blobSize:=$blobSize+(Length($line)*2000)// increase by enough that we 
don’t have to do it often
    SET BLOB SIZE($buffer;$blobSize)
  End if
  TEXT TO BLOB($line;$buffer;UTF8 text without length;$offset)
End for
// Truncate blob to correct length
SET BLOB SIZE($buffer;$offset) // blobs are zero-indexed

Jim Crate

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