This form is on my radar for tonight as Chief Organiser (tm).

We shall be:

* A stall or exhibit
* Not bringing Make-and-Take stuff (I read that to be a workshop or solder station type setup)
* I'll dig up a project photo or take a radio one
* Our Category: Electronics, Arduino/raspi, Software
* Not commercial maker (no selling merchandise)
* Large Space (3x3m space, 2 trestle tables)
* Indoor
* Normal Noise
* 5+ people
* 1000-1500W
* Not pat Tested
* Requring Wifi
* No Risk Assessment Yet
* Using RF 144-146MHz; 430-440MHz.

Q: Project Description
A: A collection of projects, ideas and enthusiasts from Aberdeen's first hackerspace, 57North.

Q: "Do you have ideas for one-hour, half day or day-long workshops which you would like to run?"
A: We can probably offer nothing of value to this, I won't offer one

As a project, I'll be looking at taking a few of the things down that we do. My contribution shall be:

* Raspi APRS station
* CHIP based packet node/BBS
* Free software advocacy
* Crytptoparty-type-stuff
* Kettle
* Tea

I'm going to add:

* TV Wall
* LED Throwies?

If anyone would like to add their comments or projects to the list, just email back or shout at me on IRC by 2100 Aberdeen time tonight. I won't reply or acknowledge until later.

Before this happens, I'd like to get some posters designed for us to put up at the eventual stall, or at any other events. These should give a brief overview of the things that happen in the hacklab (Gin, tonic, beer and shouting are not approved topics) We don't have to get them made, though - we can easily print them off in our offices when they're required for maximum cheapness! Any Volunteers?

I fully intend to drive to and from this event, there are 3 other spaces in my car and room for equipment which shall potentially be offered out at a later date.

Much Love

Hibby xx

On 2016-01-07 12:39, Tom Jones wrote:

Okay, do you want to apply for a table/space/whatever it is they offer?
Does someone want to organise this? I probably don't have time.

What do we take?

   * tv wall (needs work, but it might just need soldering)
   * badge kits (maybe stuff for making them too)
   * flyers about the space (we should make some anyway)
   * space stickers (we need more)
   * bbs
   * as many leds as we can power

Is that list plus the stuff I haven't thought of enough to make us look

- [tj]
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