Spiffing idea, Ted:


If you're planning on coming, please add Name/Project/etc to the pad.
Please don't sign up to exhibit if you're not planning on bringing a project or have something related you can use to engage with members of the public on - we're going to be space limited and I'd like to use that space wisely.
You're more than welcome to come and see/experience the Maker Faire and wider Edinburgh International Science Festival. The EISF[1] is a fantastic event that deserves your support. Judging on my previous experiences[2], Make(tm) events attract a wide range of interesting and creative people who you might want to meet, engage with and get excited by, and I'd recommend coming just for that. If you want to come along in that capacity, just stick 'attending' down as your project.

Note: Our application has not yet been accepted, this may all be for nothing!

I'm trying out this format for event organisation - constructive feedback is welcome.

[1] http://www.sciencefestival.co.uk/
[2] http://hibby.info/the-kindness-of-strangers-and-taking-a-leap-of-faith/

On 2016-01-15 12:10, Edward Watson wrote:

On 15 January 2016 at 11:31, Hibberd, Dave <d...@vehibberd.com> wrote:

As self-appointed Executive Senior COAO, I can confirm that this was
submitted in a last minute and panicked manner.

Cracking stuff sir.  Shall we start up a pirate pad for the stuff?
(Forgotten link and none of the urls I am guessing load up the pad).

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