wouldn't the appleevents go to the drawterm applescript you
and Paul posted a while back? this one:

        do shell script "cd ~ && drawterm -a somebox -c somebox" 

so maybe the applescript needs to field or forward those?

> i've lost my notes on this, but basically you need to figure out why
> the drawterm Carbon event handlers are not being called. it could be a
> configuration option that we're not setting or something more
> sinister. i don't know enough osx to be able to say.
> another manifestation of the same bug which may be easier to debug, is
> when you do apple-Q while in full-screen mode. the apple-q never
> arrives at the keyboard handler for drawterm and consequently the code
> never does a proper "exit". what's the difference between fullscreen
> and windowed mode according to OSX is beyond me.
> i'm sorry, i know this doesn't help much.

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