> The idea is simple: indentation as block style.

Religious matter.  Do as you wish, but expect flames.

> Another feature I hope to supply is bit arrays.


> Bentley also will have nested functions, a Pascal-like for statement  
> (with variable steps instead of 1/-1), and a loop statement for  
> infinite loops.

All languages have infinite loops, but most are just discreet about it.

> To ensure programmers will use good style, Bentley will lack goto. To  
> break out of nested loops, you can use the breakout statement.

This worries me.  When I need to implement a finite state autonomon I
usually use goto.  For that purpose it is by far the clearest and least
error prone method C offers.  How do I do this in Bentley?  Infinite
loop, state variable and breakout?  I would argue that that's less
clear and unless your compiler is very clever it will generate worse
assembly in this (common) case.

> Finally, there will be two modes: hosted and standalone. The  
> standalone keyword changes this. Hosted mode can access print to  
> stdout and stderr, read from stdin, new, renew (like realloc), delete,  
> and a string type.

I don't understand.
John Stalker
School of Mathematics
Trinity College Dublin
tel +353 1 896 1983
fax +353 1 896 2282

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