
My next experiment in learning libraries, as well as my next project, is a reimplementation of the first and second edition raster graphics manipulation tools. These use libmemdraw, which provides Memimage. Since I only have a working first edition manual, the program I will present shortly conforms to the first edition.

        transpose - re-orient an image
        transpose [-vhadrlui] [-o 'x y'] [imgfile]
transpose produces an image from another image by applying a transformation
        that satisfies the property of involution. The options are:

                -d      Reflect image through descending axis (y=-x), the 
                -a      Reflect image through ascending axis (y=x)
                -v      Reflect image left-to-right through vertical center 
line (x=0)
                -h      Reflect image top-to-bottom through horizontal center 
line (y=0)
                -r      Rotates image right 90 degrees (clockwise)
                -l      Rotates image left 90 degrees (counterclockwise)
                -u      Rotates image upside down (180 degrees)
                -i      Identity (for completeness)

If the -o option is given, the new image has the upper-left coordinates given as an
        argument. Otherwise, the original upper-left coordinates are used.
        Mirror image.
                transpose -v img > img2
        Set the origin of an image to (0,0) without changing any pixels.
                transpose -i -o '0 0' img > img2
        Involution exposition.
                transpose img | transpose > img2
The first edition specified the arguments to -o as two values - this cannot be done
        due to idiosyncrasies with args(2).

        What should I do to supply something like -o outfile?

O(N^2) algorithms, even with -i - using -o makes the running time O(2(N^2)).

You can find it in /n/sources/contrib/pietro/transpose.c.


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