I have a CPU/Auth server set up.  I'd like to be able to add users remotely 
(via drawterm), rather than at the system's console.  However, normally, I 
can't attach to /srv/fscons, and as I found, can't start another fscons and 
open the filesystem under it.

/srv/fscons gets created at startup, by bootes:

cpu% ls -l /srv/fscons
--rw------- s 0 bootes bootes 0 Aug  6 12:09 /srv/fscons

Since I'm not logged in as bootes, and am not a member of the bootes group, I 
can't use con to connect to /srv/fscons, and therefore, can't add a user.

I read in chgrp(1) that you can't change file group membership when the 
fileserver is not in the bootstrap state.  How then can I get the /srv/fscons 
to belong to the 'sys' or 'adm' groups?  Or is the generally accepted solution 
to add my account to the bootes group, then chmod g+rw /srv/fscons  (from the 
console)?  Would that even allow me to connect to the fscons from a drawterm 

I understand the concept of no superuser and un-circumvent-able security, but 
someone's got to be able to do administrator-type things w/o taking a trip to 
the server room...

Thanks much in advance!!



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