> Since I'm not logged in as bootes, and am not a member of the
> bootes group, I can't use con to connect to /srv/fscons, and
> therefore, can't add a user.

That's correct.

You want to change the policy, so that you are allowed
to act as bootes occasionally.  I see three reasonable ways
to do that.  The first is to put bootes's key in your factotum,
after your own.  Then when you want to connect to the
cpu server you can cpu -k 'user=bootes', do what you
need to do, and exit.

The second is to make a console for each user who can
run file server commands.  You can issue additional 
srv commands in the file server config to create
/srv/fscons.bhuntsman, etc., and then each user can
connect to the one with the appropriate permissions.

The third is to use consolefs, as Charles suggested,
to moderate access to /srv/fscons.  This has many
benefits over the previous two ideas: the set of console
users is defined in one easy place (the consolefs config),
consolefs will multiplex output to multiple connections
(unlike /srv/fscons, which is just a pipe and thus doesn't
work so well with multiple readers), you can log the 
console output easily, and you can see what commands
others are executing.

The cpu or extra console solutions are fine if only one
person (you) ever connects to the console.  Once there
is more than one person involved, consolefs is usually
better.  I use consolefs (with serial lines) for my own
Plan 9 machines even when it's just me.

One could imagine more complicated solutions, like
writing servers that let certain users do certain restricted
things, like create a new user but not execute other 
file server commands.  It sounds like that's more complex
than you actually need.

All of these solutions assume that your normal user id
should be allowed to connect to the file server console
without additional authentication.  You could also create
a second user id (e.g., bhuntsman-sys) and require 
explicitly loading that user's credentials before connecting,
if you were worried about accidental use.


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