On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Eris Discordia
> A correction:
> Mea culpa. UNIX systems apparently force processes to share a single network
> stack,

gee how about that? Isn't it nice to acquire knowledge and *then* post?

> but that can be changed:
> http://www.tel.fer.hr/zec/papers/zec-03.pdf
> A paper on virtualizing network stacks in FreeBSD kernel, 2003 USENIX.

Similar work is being done in Linux. I talked to the guy who is doing
it a year ago. Want to know what inspired it? Which OS? Wanna guess?

And, they are putting other "namespaces" into Linux. Wonder where they
got that idea and name? I know. Do you?



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