On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Lorenzo Fernando Bivens de la Fuente
> I think Dune is a must read for any scifi fan...

Dune is one of the few books I put down partly-read. Came a point
where I just didn't care what happened to the characters on the other
side of the page, and I never turned the page to look.

Try for some of the older books and authors—Hal Clement, Lester del
Rey, Fredric Brown, C. M. Kornbluth, C. L. Moore. See

> I am a retro-scifi fan... I love to read the stories, but sometimes a
> 50's movie can tell a story quite nicely... Crappy FX require a better
> plot to keep you watching...

In the visual media, Joss Whedon's Firefly is some of the best science
fiction I've seen.

> - Solaris (both Soviet and American remake)

Also read the story. Or other books by Stanisław Lem.


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