
I use acme in vmware (windows) with two different virtual machines, a Plan9 virtual machine and Linux+p9p virtual machine. The problem is the same.

When I make r-click in acme (to search, or open a file), and the mouse jumps to other place in the screen and vmware lost the mouse reference. This is probably because the mouse is not moved, only the pointer on the screen is drawed. Then I have problems moving it, the mouse is slow in some places of the screen, ...

Is possible that acme sends to vmware (or the real os) something like "move left, move left, ... move up, move up, ..." to the new position? Then the relation between the real mouse pointer (vmware) and the virtual mouse pointer (plan9 or linux+x11+p9p) will be equal and then we will not have this problems.

Yes, I know, the problem is vmware :-)


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