Neither works for me.

term% hget|page
reading through graphics...
warning: couldn't read image: readimage: read count 32400 not 64800: screen id 
in use
--- Begin Message ---
On Fri Feb 20 20:05:49 EST 2009, wrote:
> Lately, page has been having troubles displaying an increasing number
> of PNG image files.  I'm not sure whether this is due to any recent
> changes or what...  Even a PNG of /dev/screen taken with topng(1)
> renders just the dreaded question-marks.
> Any ideas what's going on here (as a simple test, you can first try
> the screenshot on, which is a PNG, and also isn't rendered
> by page(1) for me, then you can try taking your own snapshot with
> topng(1))?

both of these work for me:

; hget|page
; hget|/n/sources/plan9/386/bin/page 

- erik

--- End Message ---

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