i'm not sure whether the MMIX stuff was a fresh effort or an extension
of the MIX code, but it might be worth noting that someone (Charles, i
think) ported MIX years ago. perhaps a useful starting point.

On 2009-03-09, Paweł Lasek <pawel.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 14:35, xiantingmanbu <xiantingma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How to port MMIXWare into Plan 9?  Has anyone done it?
>  Porting wouldn't be hard. I don't remember the code right now (will
> look into it when I get home) but probably the only thing you would
> have to change would be mmap() to segattach(), or even simple
> malloc()-style allocation. Knuth is rather old fashioned, so it might
> actually work out of the box with APE, and with little changes with
> native libs.
> --
> Paweł Lasek
> On #l...@freenode.net
> "<schme> But the systems seem so darned complicated. I see the wife
> unit here sitting around with winXP and it seems very complicated."

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