On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Wes Kussmaul <w...@authentrus.com> wrote:

> Alex Efros wrote:
>  GPL is a virus, designed to war against commercial software. That's not my
>> war.
> Let's now pretend it's late August, the flame war has subsided after 500+
> messages, and we can get on with the other discussions.
How is this even a flame?  :-)  It's true.  Forget the negative connotations
of "virus", and realize that GPL transmits itself from software to software
in a viral fashion, and that is exactly its purpose.  Also keep in mind that
Richard Stallman hates closed source and commercial software.  Tell me he
wouldn't agree with that statement, and then look at some old GNU manuals
with the mockeries of commercial software guys with money falling out of
their pockets (if only that were true, I could afford my house more easily).

This is a discussion of distribution methods, and I think it's worth people
re-visiting this, maybe not in this forum, but to consider their options and
the consequences :-)


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