2009/7/1 Aaron W. Hsu <arcf...@sacrideo.us>:
> how to
> quickly navigate through to specific parts of a file and how to reduce
> redundancy of typing and movement.

Maybe I'm alone doing this, but I tend to avoid movement inside a file
abusing of the Zerox command. I keep the function definitions at the
top of the file and to go to a function I Zerox that window and then
go to there with the right button. I also Zerox windows to do small
tasks, like fixing a typo, for example.
To reduce typing I use mouse chords (and Snarf in the tag, when more
convenient), some Edit commands and a bit too much |awk.
I think a guide of using Acme effectively would be different for every
user, just give it some time, and you will create your own habits.


- yiyus || JGL .

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