On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Ethan
Grammatikidis<eeke...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Sorry if that was a bit harsh, but I've had far too much 'advice' to 'just do 
> this easy little thing'... Computers are supposed to supplement the brain, to 
> help, not require more (and in some cases quite impossible) work. To file 
> anything so you can find it again requires experience in filing that 
> particular information type. I'm constantly dealing with new data...

Not to criticize, but I think the suggestion that Steve is making is
that, in order to better use the computer to supplement the brain and
help, it's best to use the tools of this particular computer system in
the most natural way, versus trying to use it as merely an improved
Linux or Unix or what have you.  Now, I'm not suggesting that you
don't understand Plan 9, or that the underlying reasons you are moving
directories around aren't valid, of course!  If you're data is new,
then good to go.  If not, then I think the advise is for some things
that you may find simplify your life, not make it harder.

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