2009/8/13 erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>:
> On Thu Aug 13 02:43:54 EDT 2009, 9...@9netics.com wrote:
>> > I'm not sure either latency or RT is proper terminology here. But
>> > I believe what I meant was clear: when you need overall latency
>> > to be around 5ms you start to notice 9P.
> when you need the overall latency to be around 5ms,
> aren't you need a suitable network?  (or none at all)

When you're doing audio work, latency is an issue on playback when
you're playing with a recording. 5ms is acceptable, but getting much
higher is not. However, one of the other key points is that a
consistent latency is important. 50ms might be fine for playback with
video if it's a constant 50ms, but if you start drifting +- 10ms,
things can get wonky pretty quickly. This is easily demonstrable with
rhythm games (such as Rock Band or Guitar Hero) where latency induced
by a home audio system (mine at home is about 15ms induced by my
receiver and 5ms using the Xbox digital output) can have a very
significant negative impact on gameplay when one plays primarily by
sound. (Sound cues are easier to keep beat by than visual).


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