On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Daniel Lyons <fus...@storytotell.org>wrote:

> On Aug 13, 2009, at 3:14 AM, Aaron W. Hsu wrote:
>  So, I was browsing around the other day looking at Acme resources, and I
>> discovered an old post from 1995 wherein someone advocated the use of
>> proportional fonts for programming in Acme. This surprised me, to say the
>> least. He even went as far as to mention that SML was the language they were
>> using, and had managed to get a decent indenting pattern for it that was
>> just as readable, without messing things up for proportional font users.
>> I have to admit that I'm a bit skeptical about whether such a technique
>> actually works, and so, I thought I would pose some questions to you.
> Bjarne Stroustrup actually advocates this style in "The C++ Programming
> Language."
> This discussion reminds me of this elastic tab stops concept:
>  http://nickgravgaard.com/elastictabstops/
> I don't think it made it into any editors, but it would support the kind of
> fancy alignment I like to have in my code while also supporting real fonts,
> which I would prefer to use.
>  Thirdly, would you continue using proportional width fonts in cases like
>> Lisp code, where you very often see something like the following indentation
>> scheme, and how would you resolve these indentation problems with
>> proportional width fonts if you did continue to use them?
>>        (let ([foo bar]
>>              [something else])
>>          (some-func (called again)
>>                    (with fun indentation)
>>           (and yet)
>>           (another)))
> I bet you could set up Emacs to use a proportional font. It can do
> anything, right? :)
> I'd love it if Acme or Plan 9 had good support for some kind of Lisp
> variant.

Acme has good enough support for Lisp in that I can edit the program buffer,
and then re-load it all in Acme via the "win" program.  I use it with SBCL
this way on my mac actually.

Emacs + SLIME is pretty nice, but sometimes quite a bit more than I need.

> —
> Daniel Lyons

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