On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Russ Cox <r...@swtch.com> wrote:
>> "In general, the File interface is appropriate for maintaining
>> arbitrary file trees (as in ramfs). The File interface is best avoided
>> when the tree structure is easily generated as necessary; this is true
>> when the tree is highly structured (as in cdfs and nntpfs) or is
>> maintained elsewhere."
>> Is this referring to avoiding the usage of createfile and friends in
>> 9pfile.h for highly structured trees?
> Yes.  You can look at the named examples to see
> the alternative.  My experience has been, well, what
> it says in the man page: the File interface was an
> interesting idea but is rarely useful.

I understand, what confused me was that ramfs is not using File/createfile.
So even though ramfs could have taken advantage of the createfile
tools it didn't. why?

The only fileserver that I found that was actually using createfile is rdbfs.



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