Just for the sake of completeness, here is some
information about the disk in question:

cpu% cat /dev/sdD0/ctl
inquiry SSDPAMM0008G1
config 044A capabilities 2B00 dma 00550010 dmactl 00000000 rwm 1 rwmctl 0
model   SSDPAMM0008G1
serial  CVPA8276824Q2
firm    Ver2.I0H
feat    lba nop
geometry 15761088 512
missirq 0
sloop   0
irq     169974 169971
bsy     0 0
nildrive        3
part data 0 15761088
part plan9 63 15759765
part 9fat 63 204863
part nvram 204863 204864
part fscfg 204864 204865
part fs 204865 14711189
part swap 14711189 15759765


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