On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, erik quanstrom wrote:

> > > The Fossil partition being the partition where Plan9 will be running.
> > > Venti should then be on another partition?
> > >
> > Yes.
> i don't think that this conveys the right meaning.  plan 9 is compatable with
> fdisk-style partitions, but typically subpartitions them with prep-style 
> partitions.
> so, you need only one fdisk partition, which can be repartitioned with prep.
> clear?
> cf.   http://www.quanstro.net/magic/man2html/8/prep
>       http://www.quanstro.net/magic/man2html/8/venti-fmt

Ok! I get the *sub* partition thing.

> > > > I wouldn't try it with less than a 20 GB disk, with say 2 GB for
> > > > Fossil and the rest for Venti; unless you start storing music and
> > > > video on there, that should give you plenty of room to work with.
> > >
> > > Ok! Can Venti be managed? As in, every so often, purge what isn't
> > > needed?
> > No.


> i don't use venti, i use the original file server, but this still holds
> true of any worm system.  in the 6 years i've had my worm, i've used
> 12gb.  yet the size of my worm went from 18gb to 1500gb.

So the sub-partition fossil is mounts a WORM drive/device? or can this
sub-partition be another box on the network?

Plan 9 is sufficiently different from  mainstream OSes, that it would
be nice to have a diagram available of how all the parts fit together,
along with the different terminology (in some cases) being
used. Anything like that exist?

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