On 2012-04-25, at 1:36 PM, Russ Cox wrote:

> What is not obvious about what 'sam file' does?

Plugging 'sam file' into a script does not launch the editor with the specified 
file in a window for the user to edit, and then save out.

People are clamouring for a (visual) 'ed foo' replacement.  Acme can't do that. 
 Sam can, but it needs some unintuitive arguments.  If 'E foo' wrapped sam up 
in the proper glue to make it fake out 'vi foo' as far as the atomic editing 
from the command line needs that started this thread, that would be wonderful.

That aside, I think rio+acme provides enough glue to make it possible to have 
an 'E' script that launches an acme window and blocks until the window is 
closed.  If I have time over the weekend I'll fiddle about and see what comes 

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