On 23/03/2013 20:23, ron minnich wrote:
I'll happily pay the price of bigger binaries for things such as the %v format.

I don't write hello, world that often, or even care about its size when I do.

One demo we used to do for Unix was show we could write an executable
program that was 2 bytes. It was cute. Did it matter, in the end? Not
really. But we used to call 4k programs bloated.

I have  a hard time worrying about 1M binaries on $200 machines with
12 GB/s memory bandwidth and 4G memory.
It's 2013.

Even if I deeply love small and beautiful code, the only thing I really
care in everyday's life is computers responsiveness.  And I found myself
too often unhappy with nowadays computers responsiveness.
And maybe it's only a matter of code design quality.  One may write
really good and efficient code that will consume tens of KBytes when
compiled.  So to me the code size is not that much a big deal as far as
the result works pretty well.


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