erik quanstrom <> wrote:
 |> But then, unfortunately, there were quite some copy errors which
 |> caused the installation to fail.
 |>   /n/[newfs - dist]/68020/lib/{ape,libc.a}
 |>   /n/[newfs - dist]/alpha/lib/{ape,libc.a}
 |>   /n/newfs/sys/src/pcpae/{archacpi,audioac97{,m},audiohd}.c
 |>       (because /n/newfs/sys/src/pcpae doesn't exist)
 |that's unfortunate.  but those files aren't required.

So i tried again and over-installation "continued" after the error
and therefore just worked.

Now i only fail to get it working in VirtualBox; both of 4.2.14
(June 21th, 86644) and 4.2.16 (86992) hang after "init: starting
/bin/rc" with 100% CPU time ("Live CD": ~28%).  I hope i find some
time to try it on an old but physical Athlon system on some
weekend... :(

And since neither i do have a running 9atom nor are there 9atom
sources available for non-9atom runners (i think) i just don't
know yet how it feels or which awk is running and wether it has
the bug or not.  _Sorrrry_.
But many thanks for answering the mail.
I think this system rocks.


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