On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 03:48:17PM +0100, Steve Simon wrote:
> But because getcallerpc() is not prefexid by an underscore or file scope,
> by the "rules" it is poluting the namespace of the APE app.
> Its a minor thing I know but somone put a lot of effort into adding 
> _MALLOCZ() and
> all the other internal funcs it seems a pity to not do the same with
> setmalloctag() and getcallerpc().
> its not a major issue, probably OCD on my part.

No, you are perfectly right. Having to deal with "porting" a software
to various OSes, every namespace pollution comes in the way because
one can not rely on one and only one doc: precisely the standard,
without having to know the various time dependent idiosynchrazies
(the standard says that it is that, and everything else should not
be here except with a leading '_' etc.).  (I had to add macros for
several TeX routines whose names are not conflicting with ANSI C,
but happen to conflict with routines added by system X in its libc;
and generally, one add a macro definition to rename... before being
told that the new name is conflicting with a name added by system
Y version a.b.c.d in its libc...; so the "solution" is always a
temporary one; with the standard, one could prove being right;
without the standard, one can only prove being OK "so far"...)

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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