Quoting Blake McBride <bl...@mcbride.name>:

Agreed.  You also don't owe your grocer, your tailor, or your gas station
attendant anything either.  There is personal gain we all get by shared

I've selected grocers, tailors, and gas station attendants based on
technical merit.  How am I to value your input?

I would be much more interested in producing and providing patches if I
wasn't in such fear of upsetting the Plan-9 philosophy.  (That is if
improvements were sufficient.)

Your total lack of effort in understanding Plan 9 philosophy deftly
removes any interest I may have had in your programming output.  Your
fear is your own problem.

I am very, very happy to understand technical reason why things are the way
they are.  I am also humble enough to know that there is a hell of a lot I
can learn from all of you and Plan-9.  Hitting roadblocks with "that's the
way it works and should work" gives me nothing (yes, the nothing you owe

Your humility expresses itself in strange ways, particularly when you arrive
in a cloud of smoke, not having read even the most immediately relevant
documentation, to tell us that mk is broken because it does not work like

You won't do it, but I recommend reading the entire post history of 9fans.
You will see yourself in several posts throughout the years, as well as
techincal discussions you would find illuminating.  A large part of the
reticence you're running into here is the fact that all of this has been
discussed to death, frequently to very little profit.


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