> my Plan 9 environment is the only one that i feel i know and have control
> over; i don't feel the same about my (Canonical's) ubuntu desktop, my
> (Google's) chromebook, my (Apple's) macbook, my (T-Mobile/Google's) android
> phone, etc, etc, precisely because of auto-update.  i appreciate that they
> want to be my sysadm, but it means that i'm no longer an informed consumer.

It may not be a coincidence, but I'm going through the same phase.
I'm not yet paranoid, but I have been seriously contemplating moving
my (other) workstation to NetBSD because I am more comofortable that
there are no mysterious daemons lurking in its innards that I ought to
know about.

Like you, I am perfectly comfortable with my Plan 9 network and
continue to wish I did not have to supplement it with any of the
paranoia-inducing offering out there.


PS: I have resurrected an old Nokia (5110, but I'm not sure) phone,
but it's been borrowed and I have my doubts that I will be seeing it
again any time soon.  Maybe this forum can help me decide what GSM
equipment is safe from interference by the networks and their
information masters?  My current hate-object is my Galaxy S4.

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