Hello, fans.

I’m running Plan 9(labs) on public QEMU/KVM service.
My Plan 9 system has a slow read performance problem.
I ran 'iostats md5sum /386/9pcf’, DMA is on, read result is 150KB/s.
but write performance is fast.

My Plan 9 system has a 200GB HDD, formatted with fossil+venti.
disk layout is:

- 9fat  100MB
- nvram 512B
- fossil        31.82GB
- arenas        159.11GB
- isect 7.95GB
- bloom 512MB
- swap  512MB

Also, I explained other installations.

1)200GB HDD with fossil only.
2)100GB HDD with fossil+venti.

Read performance is fast (about 15MB/s) both installations.

Could you tell me the reason?

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