*looks at mascot*

Eh, Glenda's cuter. This looks like a sleep-deprived crack-addicted mobster

Ryan (ライアン)
Yoko Shimomura > ryo (supercell/EGOIST) > Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else

On Feb 23, 2017 2:30 AM, "Bakul Shah" <> wrote:

> Upspin provides a global name space to name all your files. Given an
> Upspin name, a file can be shared securely, copied efficiently without
> “download” and “upload”, and accessed from anywhere that has a network
> connection.
> ....
> Upspin can name information from any data service, not just traditional
> files.
> ----
> Initial impression:
> IMHO, its usefulness is integrating a bunch of things. A path has a global
> user id ( as a root, which is looked up in (what I would
> call) a root server. From it you find the directory server which stores the
> metadata for the remaining path. From this you find the data server where
> the file or data source is actually located and an ID meaningful to the
> server (like qid but can be a content sha1 sum). The directory server also
> checks if the requester is allowed access and presumably gives her a public
> key of the root user to be able to decrypt the data.
> Clearly, if the source is not an ordinary file, there can be no sha1 sum
> -- presumably the directory server doesn't care.
> The overview talks about the design being geared toward friends and family
> (ala Dropbox?) but the only thing I see that would be hard to scale is the
> fact a dir tree has an ACL. A dir server may also end up being a bottleneck.
> User data can be protected by the owner but the dir server needs to be
> able to read metadata such as ACL, data location etc.
> Not sure if the design allows for dynamic bind/mount. This would require a
> more flexible dir server structure... (I haven't read the code so this is
> pure speculation). But I'm wondering if something the CPU command can be
> implemented. May be there is a protocol to attach your own dir server.
> Renames are probably not handled to avoid atomicity (just speculating). Or
> may depend on a dir server.
> ACLs are for dir trees. From the syntax it looks like you can add more
> access in a sub tree but not remove it.
> I'd have preferred a capability scheme instead of ACLs -- need to think
> more about this.

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